Home Entertainment April Fools Pranks & Tricks Over the Phone Long Distance

April Fools Pranks & Tricks Over the Phone Long Distance

April Fools Pranks & Tricks Over the Phone Long Distance


Long-distance April Fools pranks you can play over the phone while social distancing.

For many people, the only way they will be able to play an April Fools joke is from long distance. Social isolation during the coronavirus pandemic has left people stranded from their loved ones, but with these April Fools’ Day pranks, you don’t need to be in the same room to pull off the trick. For some silly ideas that aren’t too cruel, check out some of our tips.

Text Them From an Unknown Number

You can get away with a lot of things this way. There are various apps out there you can download to your phone, whether you have an iPhone or an Android, where you can get a second phone number that no one else knows. Some of the popular options, as noted by Digital Trends, are Burner, Flyp, Cloud SIM, 2nd Line and Hushed—to name a few.

Once you have the unknown number, you can do pretty much anything. You can try to lure your victim in by pretending to be someone they know, maybe someone from college. Then you can ask them strange or silly questions and see how long you can keep the conversation going until the person gets bored or fed up.

Another option is to pretend the victim has been added to a fake subscription list. This is another option you can have a lot of fun with. You can text them and say something like, “Congratulations! You’ve just successfully subscribed to Weird Sex Facts daily for $12.99 per month.” You can also say they’ve signed up for a timeshare in Miami or ultimately daily facts about President Donald Trump. Whatever you choose, add an option for them to opt-out by writing something like, “Press 3 to unsubscribe.” If they press 3, write back, “Action not subscribed. You cannot unsubscribe until your contract ends.”

Send a Strange Gift or Letter

It might be a little late, but it still might be funny to send someone who is far away a weird gift or letter. There are plenty of gag gifts on the market, like a brick, a potato, fake money, a popular NSFW item or a deceptive candle. You can also send a glitter bomb, but not everyone likes this idea because it makes a mess. If you don’t want to spend the money on a fake gift, you can write a letter. Some fun ideas might be to cut out letters from a magazine and write something obscure. You can always write a handwritten letter, where you tell a funny joke or story, and then not include your name.

Say That Someone is Breaking Up

It’s never the kindest option to stage a breakup, but some people could claim a favorite band is breaking up. If the musicians are really popular, it might not work well since the victim could always check social media. But if you are in a band yourself, you can trick your fans with this prank. Or, if you know the people in a local band, you can ask them to get in on the gag and announce it on social media themselves.

Catfish Your Friends

If you have the time, you can always set up a fake social media profile with a random picture and name. You can try to request your friends. If they accept, you can play random games with them and see where the conversation leads. You may not want to play around with this idea for too long though.

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