8 Technology Tools to Engage Students in the Classroom

When we think about students and technology combined, the instant association might be negative for most people. You may think about students staring at their phones, playing too many video games, and spending too much time doing meaningless things online.

However, technology can benefit students, especially in the classroom. Naturally, it needs to be used the right way. To help you use technology the right way and engage your students in the classroom, we’ve made a list of the 8 best technology tools you could use.

Let’s break them down.

8 Technology Tools to Engage Students in the Classroom

1. JIG Space

Augmented reality is one of the best examples of how technology is changing education. Using AR, you can turn any lesson or study materials into a fun adventure.

JIG Space is an AR educational app that allows teachers to create AR presentations, let students explore different worlds and settings, and have them learn more engagingly. It brings to life concepts that students wouldn’t be able to fully understand otherwise and engages them even in the lessons they weren’t interested in.

2. WordPress

If your class is into writing and creativity, or you want them to be, then starting a class blog can be a brilliant idea. Using WordPress, you can build a whole new class blog from scratch and cover different stories every week.

Students could work in pairs or small groups to create engaging content. You can show them some free writing examples to help them write better. This way, they’ll be polishing their writing skills and learning how to use WordPress.

3. Gimkit

Gamification in the classroom is a popular teaching method. Why? Because students love when you add spice to their everyday school routine and have them step out of their comfort zone.

Gimkit is an app that allows teachers to create quizzes for students to solve. They can do it individually or in groups. This allows the teachers to create class competitions and add a bit of competitiveness to the mixture.

4. Class Dojo

If you want to work on your students’ participation and overall engagement in class, Class Dojo is a great tool. It’s an app that creates and assigns an avatar to each student. Then, it keeps track of their activity in class and assigns points for all the good things they do. Students get points for:

  • participating
  • teamwork
  • helping others
  • working on a task

It’s a truly motivating and fun tool that’s free for teachers to use.

5. Kahoot

Kahoot is a tool that aims to awaken enthusiasm about learning with all students. The app helps teachers set up a fun quiz similar to a game show since it uses both audio and visual elements to engage the students.

Teachers can create a fun, immersive, and engaging experience for students. This helps them enjoy every lesson more and memorize the materials better.

8 Technology Tools to Engage Students in the Classroom

6. Trello

You want your students to be well-organized and on top of their school assignments, obligations, and tasks.  Trello is a great organizational tool that students can use to:

  • take notes
  • create a work calendar
  • write down and keep track of deadlines
  • collaborate with other students

It teaches them to keep everything in one place and organize their time for maximum productivity. In case the students forget about a task, such as a writing assignment, they can read these term paper writing services reviews. Still, with Trello, they’ll have reminders about everything that’s coming up.

7. PowToon

You should help your students move past PowerPoint and other simple tools, and start creating more engaging and complex presentations for the classroom. PowToon is a video and presentation maker that allows students to turn any content into professional-like presentations.

It’ll motivate them to work on their class materials and help other students memorize the content of the presentation with ease.

8. Canva

Students have different learning styles and those who are visual learners need this type of motivation to get them engaged. By teaching them how to create visually rich study materials, you’ll be inspiring them to study harder and get more involved during classes.

Canva is a free graphic design tool that students can use to create:

  • animated presentations
  • handouts and study materials
  • infographics
  • classroom posters
  • materials for promoting a class event

Let them be creative and add some color to your lessons and your classroom.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, technology in the classroom could be a great thing. All you need to do is know what tools to use and explore what is it that your students find interesting and motivating.

Hopefully, the list we’ve shared above will inspire you to use more technology in your classroom and experiment with these or other similar tools.

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